Is Israel an apartheid state?

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Short answer

Israel is not an apartheid state, and it was even debunked by many people from South Africa who lived under the original SA apartheid regime. Israeli-Arabs enjoy the same rights as every Israeli citizen, including voting, owning properties and businesses, religious freedom, and serving in the Israeli military and government. Calling Israel an apartheid state is just another non-factual blanket statement against Israel.

Long answer

Israel is not an apartheid state, and it does not discriminate against its non-Jewish citizens. Israeli-Arabs vote in state and local elections, own property, own businesses, and hold private and government jobs. Arabs have several political parties representing them in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament). Many doctors and other medical professionals are Arab. Arabs serve in the Israeli military. There are no laws against mixed marriages. There is religious freedom, and separate Muslim legal courts are operated and staffed by Muslims. There are no prohibitions on movement or access to public areas that apply specifically to non-Jewish citizens. Two Israeli-Arabs served as judges on Israel’s Supreme Court, and many more have served and currently serve as judges on Israel’s District Courts, Magistrate Courts, and other lesser Courts. Until recently, the chairman of the board of Israel’s largest bank was an Israeli Arab. Calling Israel an apartheid state is just another non-factual blanket statement against Israel.

Explanation on why Israel is not an apartheid state

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More explanations on why Israel is not an apartheid state

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A legal scholar explains why there is no apartheid in Israel but there is under the Palestinian government

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Answers why Israel isn’t an apartheid state

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An Israeli Arab explains Arab rights in Israel

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The President of a South African political party explains why Israel is not an apartheid state

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