What is taught to Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank?

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Short answer

Children in Gaza and the West Bank have a unified school curriculum,  which UNRWA helped form. When it comes to Jews and Israel, Palestinian children are taught to embrace hatred and violence.  They learn an antisemitic narrative that glorifies terrorism and encourages killing as many Jews as they can.

Long answer

Children in Gaza and the West Bank have a unified school curriculum, which UNRWA helped form. However, many UNRWA staff have been found to be affiliated with or in support of Hamas terrorism. In Palestinian children’s textbooks, Jews and Israelis are depicted as thieves and enemies. Their math lessons include exercises such as counting how many Jews were murdered in the Intifadas. The sad truth is, the teachers and materials that are responsible for raising the next generation of Palestinians are actually indoctrinating young minds with antisemitic narratives and violence.

A discussion about the Palestinian curriculum

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Examples of what is found in Palestinian schoolbooks

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Some more examples of Jihadi brainwashing of Palestinian children

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