Why does Hamas keep attacking Israel and why is a long-term ceasefire impossible?

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Short answer

Hamas is a radical Islamist organization that calls for the destruction of all those it deems “infidels”. Jihad against all Jews is just the first step. You can’t make a ceasefire with some who repeatedly uses it to prepare for the next attack and then breaks the ceasefire.

Long answer

Lets assume there is a ceasefire tomorrow. Never mind that Hamas always breaks these ceasefires and attacks Israel.

So Hamas is still in power, keeps killing Gazans and Israelis, keeps stealing all the international aid coming into Gaza and funneling it to its billionaire leaders, and keeps preparing for its ultimate goal of establishing a Sharia Islamic Caliphate in the ME and North Africa.

The only ones who benefit from a ceasefire are Hamas. And any person who cares about human lives should support Israel in its mission to topple Hamas.

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Explanation on how Hamas actually profits when they attack Israel

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