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Short answer
There is NO any evidence Israel created ISIS.
It is a fictional conspiracy theory that claims the US, Israel, and Britain intentionally created ISIS to destabilize the Middle East, protect Israel, or serve other goals.The theory originates in Iranian media and a German site (, associated with them and is promoted by figures like Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti and Egyptian state media. This theory coincides with ISIS’s rise and serves propaganda purposes by demonizing Israel and allowing Iran to portray itself as fighting a Western-backed threat and to deflect blame.
Long answer
Israel did NOT create ISIS; there is NO single piece of viable evidence for this. ISIS emerged from al-Qaeda in Iraq, a Sunni terror group founded in 2004 by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It gained strength due to the instability following the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and the Syrian civil war.
The conspiracy theory origin is traced to Iranian media (Fars, IRNA, Tehran Times) and a German website (, coinciding with ISIS’s rise and suggesting propaganda motives
Despite ISIS’s documented origins in al-Qaeda, this theory persists. Numerous sources, including Time, Politifact, and Glenn Greenwald, have debunked it, indicating that claims of proof in Snowden’s leaks are false, US/Jordanian training of Syrian rebels was for the broader opposition to Assad (not specifically for ISIS), and al-Baghdadi’s US detention does not prove manipulation.These accusations are baseless misinformation, falsely linking Israel to terrorism and echoing antisemitic sentiment about Jewish control and manipulation, as well as anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment.