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In 2014 we learned of new evils that we never imagined before. We watched as ISIS butchered its way through Iraq and Syria, ruthlessly attacking civilians, callously hiding behind innocents using them as human shields, mercilessly executing civilian captives live for the whole world to see. ISIS destroyed anything in their path in the name of their extremist Islamist ideology, expanding beyond Iraq and Syria, moving towards the Western world with attacks in London, Paris, Jakarta, and Sydney. The Western world was shocked that this level of evil was making it to their homes.
On Saturday October 7th these evils rose again. Taking a page out of the ISIS playbook and raising the monstrosities to new levels, Hamas sent more than 1500 bloodthirsty terrorists into communities in Southern Israel and began gleefully butchering mothers, fathers, grandparents, teenagers, children, and babies. They flew in from the air and massacred teenagers celebrating peace at a music festival. They murdered children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children, wiping out entire families. They burned people alive and murdered those who tried to escape from the fire. They raped women over the bodies of their friends. Hamas filmed as they maimed, tortured, and murdered innocent people, posting it on social media for their surviving family members to see. They paraded bodies through the streets of Gaza and celebrated their murders and atrocities.
Those who they did not murder, they kidnapped into Gaza. Without discrimination they ruthlessly stole more than 200 parents, children, grandparents, teenagers and babies from their homes, taking these innocent civilians hostage.
It is impossible to read the stories of these barbaric acts and come to any conclusion other than Hamas is Pure Evil. Meanwhile, within Gaza Hamas and other Islamist terrorist organizations indiscriminately shoot rockets toward civilian targets within Israel, and they use schools, mosques, and hospitals as their launch sites. They hide behind their own citizens, using innocent Palestinians as human shields. Their rockets often misfire and land within Gaza, hitting hospitals and other infrastructure and killing Palestinians seeking shelter from the war brought on by Hamas terror. Hamas kills Palestinians who disagree with them and eliminates any voice that goes against their extremist ideology.
Just like ISIS, Hamas aims to annihilate the entirety of the Western world, as clearly stated in the Hamas Covenant, its founding manifest:
“There is no security and there is no life for him who does not adhere to religion” (Article 6).
“Death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes” (Article 8).
“Jihad is the individual duty of every Muslim” (Article 15)
Or in the words of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas’ founder:
“The destruction of Israel is not Hamas’s final destination. Hamas’s final destination is building the Islamic Caliphate on the rubble of every other civilization.
On This Topic 👁
ABC News | Footage of Hamas Atrocities: Reporter’s Notebook –
Reuters | Rape and Torture That Occurred